+90 356 212 95 00


+90 356 214 44 00


Department of Thoracic Diseases

General Information

Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Medicine Department of Thoracic Diseases was founded in 2002 by Prof. Dr. It was established when Zehra Seyfikli took office as the Head of the Department. As of September 2023, our department, which has trained 9 chest diseases specialists to date, provides services with 4 faculty members, 11 research assistants, 9 nurses and 4 health technicians. With our 15-bed service, 4-bed sleep disorders center, bronchoscopy unit, respiratory function test-allergy laboratory, 2 outpatient clinics and smoking cessation unit, approximately 20 thousand outpatients and 2000 inpatients are served annually.

Services Provided

Outpatient and inpatient examinations and treatments are performed for diseases in the field of pulmonary medicine such as Asthma, COPD, Pneumonia, Interstitial Lung Diseases, Respiratory Failure, Pulmonary Embolism, Pulmonary Hypertension, Pleural Effusion, Sleep Disorders, Smoking Cessation Treatment. For this purpose, advanced examinations such as respiratory function tests, diffusion test, skin prick-allergy tests, bronchoscopy and polysomnography can be performed. In our department, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation treatments are applied to patients who are followed by us in Level 1, 2, 3 Intensive Care Units.

Units within the Department


Sleep Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment Center

In 2011, Prof. Sleeping Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Center, which was founded by Dr. Handan İNÖNÜ KÖSEOĞLU and started its service with 2 beds, has been continuing to serve with its 4-bed sleep system and advanced technical equipment for the last 3 years. Polysomnography, PAP titration, and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) are performed in our center, where 5000 patients have been tested to date. Following the evaluation made by the Sleep Association Accreditation Board on 28.07.2021, our center received an accreditation certificate, taking into account international criteria.

Smoking Cessation Clinic

Opened within our Department in 2017, it is currently Assoc.Prof.Dr. Smoking Cessation Polyclinic, which serves under the responsibility of Halil İbrahim YAKAR, provides support to people who want to quit smoking. Appointments can be made via the ALO 171 Smoking Cessation Advisory Line or the hospital appointment system. The main purpose of the smoking cessation clinic is to help “people who want to quit smoking” quit smoking under the supervision of a physician.

Bronchoscopy Unit

In cases requiring examination and treatment, such as lung mass, bleeding, tuberculosis, or suspicion of fungal disease, flexible bronchoscopy is performed under sedation in the bronchoscopy unit.


Allergy-Skin Prick Test Unit

During the diagnosis and treatment process of diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic dermatitis, itching of unknown origin, skin prick test is applied to reveal the causes that aggravate the disease. The procedure is applied to the front of the arm and into the skin by trained nurses, and the test result is evaluated by the specialist physician.

Respiratory Function Test-Diffusion Test Unit

In patients complaining of shortness of breath, PFT and Carbon Monoxide diffusion tests can be performed by trained personnel in the PFT unit in order to reveal the cause of shortness of breath, make a differential diagnosis and evaluate the severity of the disease.

Our Doctors

Department of Thoracic Diseases
Ahmet Cemal PAZARLI
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Halil İbrahim YAKAR
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Gökhan AYKUN
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Gizem ELMA
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Muhammed İNANÇ
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Mustafa PARTİ
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Mücahit GÜLEÇ
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases
Department of Thoracic Diseases